
Brookwood Baptist Medical Center introduces vNOTES technology to perform hysterectomies

Brookwood Baptist Medical Center is now offering a procedure known as vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery, or vNOTES, to perform hysterectomies.

Using a specialized transvaginal access device, vNOTES is designed to provide better surgical visibility and increased access to remove the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The result is meant to streamline the procedure often leading to a shorter hospital stay (often less than 24 hours), less pain, no external incisions, and no visible scarring.

Traditional vaginal hysterectomies lack some of the visibility and mobility to reach the fallopian tubes and ovaries, which often must also be removed due to cysts. In the past year, Brookwood OBGYN Dr. Heidi Straughn has conducted more than 20 vNOTES procedures and said it offers many advantages.

“There is no incision, so there’s less pain,” said Straughn. “The time in the operating room is shorter, as is the recovery time. There are so many advantages to it.”

“Patient feedback has been great,” said Straughn. “They’re excited to not have an incision. It’s just an absolutely positive experience for everyone involved.”