tenet volunteer

Giving Back: Global in Scope, Local at Heart

We like to say that we are global in scope, but local at heart. While we have a vast footprint, each of our care facilities gives back to its local community in different ways. Our charitable contributions and community initiatives support a diverse education pipeline, victims of natural disasters and tragedies, veterans, children suffering from food insecurity and so much more.

food bank

Each year, we provide free screenings at local health fairs, host educational seminars and search for ways to better serve the people in our communities. That also means we organize countless events on our hospital campuses and care centers to bring our communities together. For National Volunteer Month, Tenet, USPI and Conifer employees donate their time to support a variety of organizations. We also work together year-round to save lives through Annual Blood Drives. Thanks to the generosity of our colleagues, physicians, volunteers and neighbors, we replenish local blood banks across the country.

donated cereal boxes

One of our most engaging and impactful initiatives is our annual Healthy Over Hungry Cereal Drive®. Every June, employees across the enterprise collect donations of cereal to help support families struggling with hunger. The Cereal Drive was launched in 2010 at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, a Tenet hospital which is part of the Detroit Medical Center. The goal was to collect much needed food for families and to promote the importance of eating a healthy breakfast, especially for children in the summer months. The program was so successful, we later expanded it across the Tenet network.


Team Malasakit is the Tenet Global Business Center’s corporate social responsibility arm, made up of 70 employee volunteers. They coordinate numerous activities to benefit their local communities in and around Manila. The word “malasakit” in Filipino means to “care for something or someone like it were one’s own,” a term that mirrors our mission to deliver quality, compassionate care in the communities we serve.

education initiatives

Our enterprise is also passionate about supporting education initiatives. With organizations such as the Baptist Health Foundation, the Tenet Healthcare Foundation collaborates to provide scholarships to educate tomorrow’s healthcare leaders and providers. We also proudly support the UNCF, which helps to advance opportunities for minority students in pursuit of a higher education.

Tenet Care Fund logo

We make a concerted effort to give back to our own employees who give so much to their patients and communities. The Tenet Care Fund is a 501(c) (3) public charity that provides financial assistance to employees who have experienced hardship due to events beyond their control, including natural disasters, extended illnesses or injuries, and the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Care Fund enables employees to make donations that benefit fellow team members in need.

Learn more about the Tenet Care Fund