Training the next generation of vascular surgeons
In partnership with the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Dr. Joseph J. Ricotta, National Medical Director, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy for Tenet Healthcare, worked with his team at Delray Medical Center to develop a new Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program for surgical residents.
In creating the program, the team was compelled to address the growing need for vascular surgeons given national shortages that are predicted to rise. The two-year program was approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) in September 2019.
Fellows experience a diverse, high-volume case mix that encompasses current surgical, endovascular, and medical treatment for all forms of arterial, venous, and lymphatic diseases. In addition, the educational experience includes structured didactic conferences, simulation training, and protected study time.
The vigorous research program provides ample exposure to academic opportunities. The fellows participate in longitudinal research studies, as well as several clinical investigative research trials with the expectation of presenting their work at various regional and national conferences. The fellows also become proficient in reading non-invasive vascular imaging studies in the outpatient and hospital settings and the most recent techniques of wound care management.
“Throughout my career, I have been involved in surgical training at several large academic medical centers. Taking from that experience, I wanted to create a vascular fellowship program that not only focused on academics but also on the clinical side. The Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program at FAU and Delray Medical Center provides the perfect blend of a strong academic environment and high-volume, robust clinical practice. This unique training combination teaches the fellows how to handle the most complex medical and surgical problems so that they can operate completely independently after graduating.” – Joseph J. Ricotta, M.D.
Applicants to the fellowship program increased from 30 in 2019 to more than 150 in 2021.This unique experience provides trainees with the important skills needed to be successful in any work environment, including in both community and academic settings.
To learn more about the program, please visit Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program.