Take Care of Your Family Without Getting Sick
Despite our best efforts to fight the dreaded COVID-19 virus, it can seem like more and more around us are getting ill with all kinds of infections, such as the common flu, colds, stomach flu and sore throat.
Know how to care for someone at home without getting sick yourself. No promises, but with a few helpful tips and tools, you’ll be better equipped to stay healthy. For example, arming yourself with medical devices, such as a pulse oximeter, can help you look for emergency warning signs.
While germ exposure may help build up our immune systems, we all have different levels of inherent immunity. Our immunity also depends on whether we’re physically or emotionally stressed, tired and whether our immune system is compromised by other health factors as well. Even if a household member gets a cold, it doesn’t have to be inevitable that you get sick as well. Here are eight tips to help prevent illness:
- Everyone: Get Some Sleep!
As hard (and lovely) as it may sound for adults, we all need 8-10 hours of sleep a night. A well-rested body is a strong, resistant body.
- Wash Your Hands
Wash your hands more frequently than usual, especially after caring for person who is ill. Limit face to face time as much as is reasonable.
- Wear a Mask
Wearing a mask that fits well on you can help stop further spreading the infection at home. For the latest updates on mask recommendations, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website.
- Monitor Vital Signs
Make space for the ever-trusty thermometer and pandemic go-to gadget pulse oximeter in your medical supplies cabinet to monitor body temperature, blood oxygen level and heart rate. Proper use of these home gadgets can help you decide when to seek emergency medical care immediately. Shortness of breath and low oxygen saturation levels may indicate pneumonia or COVID.
- Stock Up On Hand Sanitizer & Lots of Tissue
It’s hard to avoid a sick child; obviously, they need their mom and dad. Remember to go over a few rules (suitable for everyone), including when sneezing, cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or sneeze into the crook of the elbow and never, ever reuse that tissue. Use sanitizer after sneezing if you are not close to a sink with soap, which is always best.
- More Water, Please
Staying hydrated flushes your system and keeps you hydrated in case you fall ill.
- Take A Sick Day!
Seriously. Knowingly going to work or school sick accounts for the spread of illness in school and workplaces. Sometimes, it’s OK to say you can’t make it in. Remember: you are potentially harming the most vulnerable, including pregnant women, children and the elderly, by spreading your germs. So do your good act for the day — it’ll benefit you and the rest of us.
With a few fail-safes, you can manage to avoid illness or reduce the overall impact and rebound much quicker.