How the Census Affects Your Healthcare
The U.S. has been counting its population every 10 years since 1790. We do it through a census, by asking specific data such as the number of people who live or stay in your home, as well as the gender, age and race of each individual.
Why Respond to the 2020 Census?
Census statistics help in planning and allocating funds, grants and support for public services for the next decade. Therefore, when you respond to the census, it will help you and your community receive its fair share of funding for schools, hospitals, public works, roads and other programs.
How Does the Census Affect You Healthcare?
Here’s how the census can help you and your community get the healthcare you need and deserve:
1. Proper planning of healthcare facilities
Census statistics can help hospitals and healthcare companies determine where to build and/or expand hospitals, health care centers and clinics. This means that more healthcare facilities may be established near you if they see the need for more in your community.
2. Access to health and well-being lifeline programs
Census statistics help establish and/or strengthen health programs that benefit low-income individuals and those over age 65. Such programs include Medicaid assistance, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the National School Lunch Program and Medicare.
3. Access to more healthcare programs and grants
Other health programs that use census statistics for proper funding and planning include:
- The Children’s Health Insurance Program
- The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Services Block Grant
- The Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG)
- The Preventive Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant Program
2 Ways to Respond to the Census
Responding to the census is very easy.
1. To respond via phone, call 844-330-2020.
2. To respond by mail, mail back the completed questionnaire sent to your home last April to U.S. Census Bureau National Processing Center, 1201 E 10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132.
Final Thoughts
If you haven’t responded to the census yet, please do it now to help our community have fair access to vital healthcare services and programs.
Your response to the 2020 census is safe, secure and protected by federal law. The census bureau will never ask you for your bank account or credit card numbers, your complete social security number, money, donations or anything on behalf of a political party.
United States Census 2020
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Federation of American Scientists