What You Gain When You Quit Smoking
Did you know that benefits of quitting smoking can be seen in as little as 20 minutes all the way up to 15 years later? According to the American Lung Association, in just 20 minutes your heart rate will drop to a normal level. That’s just one of the many benefits of putting down cigarettes for good. Here are several more to consider and share with those you care about:
- Carbon monoxide level drops to normal – In only 12 hours after quitting, harmful carbon monoxide gas levels in your blood will return to a normal level.
- Risk of heart attack begins to drop – Depending on the quantity smoked, within two weeks to three months, risk for a cardiac event drops and lung function will start to improve. (Bonus: breathe easier. Literally.)
- Coughing and shortness of breath decreases in one to nine months. This means you’ll have increased capacity for activity and exertion without feeling as winded.
- Can cut your risk of coronary heart disease in half compared to that of a smoker’s after one year of quitting. Another great incentive to not give up on quitting.
- Reduce risk of stroke to that of a non-smoker’s five to 15 years after quitting. The dividends can keep paying off a decade later.
- Cut your risk of cancers (mouth, throat and esophageal) to half that of a smoker’s, which you and your loved ones can appreciate from five to 15 years later.
- Cut your risk of dying from lung cancer to half of a smoker’s ten years after quitting.Plus, your risk for bladder cancer is also half that of a smoker’s, and your risk for cervical, kidney and pancreatic cancers decreases as well.
- Risk of coronary heart disease has decreased to that of a non-smoker 15 years after stopping smoking. That is a rewarding milestone worth celebrating!
- Other benefits include not smelling smoky; not contributing secondary smoke to loved ones’ air; no more smoky breath; saving a lot of money each month, which adds up quickly over several years; a sense of accomplishment for having the strength and discipline to make a positive change in your life, and much, much more.
- Quitting tobacco use sets a positive example for children and younger generations who will do what you do.
- Better chance to live and enjoy life. For you, your loved ones, children, grandchildren and their children…