Life After Weight Loss Surgery
Weight loss is one of the top New Year’s resolutions made in America each year, but if you are post op from weight loss surgery, you have already been working hard toward your goal. Here are three things to do to stay on track with your life after weight loss surgery. Remember to keep it simple!
- Choose one healthy habit to work on at a time, not five. Part of staying motivated for your life after weight loss surgery is to set goals for yourself that you can actually achieve. It’s overwhelming to take on too much at one time and too easy to get discouraged when you inevitably aren’t able to do everything perfectly. And remember, it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. Hold yourself accountable with some small changes or one specific goal. It may work better to focus on adding something healthy and “good” for you rather than banning something. Once you have mastered a new change and it becomes a habit, move on to something else you would like to work on. Always give yourself grace for slip ups.
- Keep a journal. One way to encourage yourself in your new life after weight loss surgery is to write or take video about your journey. The benefit of journaling – keeping track of your progress and how you feel -- cannot be overstated. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a food or exercise journal, but that is certainly a good idea. Make your journal fun and something that inspires and motivates you. Speak kindly to yourself in your words, and keep up with “aha” moments and encouraging things that people say to you as well as your goals. You may also want to include feelings about how your life is changing and something you feel positive about or are grateful for each day. Months from now, you’ll be able to look back at the journal and see how far you’ve come.
- Celebrate small and large victories. Rewarding yourself can be a fun way to keep up your motivation. You know those things you would love to have but never buy for yourself? At the end of a good week, treat yourself with experiences and non-food treats. In little ways and big ways make sure you pat yourself on the back for all the good you are doing, and forget focusing on the “bad.”
After making this life-changing decision, you owe it to yourself to do everything you can to stay positive and motivated. All of the hard work you have been doing and good decisions you have been making will pay off. You’ll have the healthier lifestyle you have longed for that will improve the quality of your life for many New Year’s to come.